Mio Heki / 日置美緒 漆芸家、修復師、ジュエリーアーティスト
茶道具・陶磁器の金継ぎ・漆修復・漆塗り装飾・ジュエリーを創作する「Atelier hifumi」を主宰。
資生堂『花椿』、フィガロジャポン、NHK WORLDなどに出演。
著書「環(たまき)金継ぎのかたりべ/Kintsugi in the cycle of nature - a meditation on Japanese lacquer arts -」(日英版)
Mio Heki
She restores national treasury buildings and important cultural properties in Japan.
In 2016, she established ‘urushi atelier hifumi’ in Kyoto, where she does a variety of work with Urushi ( a Japanese lacquer from Urushi tree sap). Works such as restoring lacquer ware Kintsugi (repairing broken ceramics and pottery with uriushi), repairing or restoring antiques, making custom ordered lacquer ware, creating jewellery, and holding workshops.
Through these workshops (Urushi and Kintsugi) , she would like to introduce people to Urushi - as a material which was inherited from ancient Japan – and show how interesting Urushi lacquer and the Japanese lacquer technique can be.
She thinks that Urushi (the gift from Mother Nature) is a very attractive and important material, as it holds the traditional way of life and history of Japan. She also respects the wisdom of the ancestors. Traditions and art, both ancient and modern are her interests.
In the performing arts field, she makes accessories, ornaments, special ordered tools and also apparatus for dancers and works to co -produce artworks with fellow artists.
What is Urushi ?
Urushi is the milky-white sap drawn from the Urushi tree. It has been used in Japan for over 5.000 years.
Red Urushi lacquer wares, such as combs, baskets or clay wares were found in ruins in Japan. Urushi trees can be found all over Asia and each country has their own traditional techniques using Urushi and its products.

<Education and Working experience>
2010 Kyoto Citiy Univercity of Arts ,Kyoto,Japan (Major:arts and crafts,japanning-decoration art)
2010 Sawanodougen Ltd,Kyoto,Japan(restorer;japaning,painting)
2016 Atelier hifumi/ Mio Heki
<Repaired temples, shrines and things>
談山神社tanzanjinjya-nara,龍泉寺ryusenji-nara,北観音山飾りkitakannonyama,for gion festival-kyoto,
and more...
<Exhibition/Ornament/stage arts>
2010 「Tenohira Cafe」exhibition at 堺町画廊, Kyoto,Japan
2011 「Tenohira Cafe」exhibition at Monoff ,Kyoto ,Japan
2013 「SMALL ART FOR BIG NATURE 」exhibition at Halo Galo , Kyoto, Japan,
organized by Walderedo De Oliveira
2016 「Tools for Kintsugi」exhibition at Hae ,Maastricht ,Netherlands
2017 「Bird of Paradise」at アトリエ劇研・ Kyoto ,Japan
2017 「Into Materials」Jewellery exhibition at JCE ,Amsterdam
2017 「BOMBSHELL-bombástica-」 at FORUM KYOTO,Kyoto , Japan
2018 「BOMBSHELL-bombástica-」 at Institut français du Japon – Kansai ,Kyoto ,Japan
2018 「Atsushi Heki solo dance」 at YCC ,Yokohama ,Japan
2018 「Bird of Paradise」at Atelier Mekaru-base ,Naha ,Japan
2019 「MONO JAPAN」 exhibition in Amsterdam
2016 Urushi workshop at Urushi Atelier hifumi ,Kyoto ,Japan
2016 4days Kintsugi workshop at Hae in Maastricht organized by Production Koroencyo and Mami Izumi
2016 Kintsugi workshop < 4days > in Amsterdam ,organaized by Japan Cultural Exchange
2017 Kintsugi workshop in Madrid ,organized by A lejandro Martín Calvo
2017 Kintsugi workshop at Atelier Tsukumogami in Paris
2018 Kintsugi workshop at ABM in Paris
2018 Kintsugi workshop at JCE in Amsterdam
2018 Urushi workshop at Kiji in Ovezand
2019 Kintsugi workshop at Atelier Terres des Batignolles in Paris

日文 hifumi は、太陽からの手紙を意味します。
日文 Hifumi means letters from the Sun.
Urushi lacquer the sap of the tree,
Japanese paper, drawing brushes,
Cray powder and thread...
The motifs, we get inspiration from insects and all of nature,
Also creators like us and you, who wear our jewellery.
All of us have warm memories of the Sun.
May all the things connect each other
And make a new thread of precious memories.
We make this wish in our creations.
Urushi decoration by Mio Heki the Urushi artist.
The works with Japanese traditional way of Urushi lacquer work,
Are delicately made by hands in a small studio in Kyoto.
Her jewellery is formed from silver, great green turban shells or stones.
They are decorated next with Makie (drawing with urushi and gold powder),
Egg shells, mother of pearl, gold leaf, and thin layers of different shades of Urushi lacquer.
She makes her jewellery with a unique combination of traditional techniques.
All of her works finish with details and become that of brilliance.
Beautiful materials, tools and crafters
That have been developed in Japan from ancient times.
She would like to continue this tradition as long as possible.
The soft and warm texture of Japanese Urushi ware’s surface,
The subtle sparkle of the layer of the colour and the gold thread
日文Hifumi are the gentle glitter jewellery, which brings out the beauty from natural materials.